Iowa County Treasurer
Iowa County Treasurers
Iowa County Treasurers eGovernment Alliance. ... Does your mortgage company pay your property tax? Please contact your mortgage company if you are unsure who is responsible for paying the tax. Late Fees: Payments initiated on the last day of each month must be completed before midnight. For those transactions that are initiated but not ... County Iowa - Treasurer | Welcome To Iowa County, Iowa
The Iowa County Treasurer's Office is dedicated to excellence by providing courteous, friendly, and professional customer service in all aspects of our county office. Respecting the citizens of Iowa County by the power entrusted in the Treasurer as the overseer of the revenues generated in Iowa County. Characteristics of the Treasurer
Welcome to the Official Website of Iowa County, WI - Treasurer
Two years from the tax certificate sale date, if the tax is still unpaid, the County can start action to take title to the property by tax deed. County Treasurer Connie Johnson [email protected] General Information Staff Directory Phone Numbers (608) 935-0397 Emergencies: Dial 911 Location 222 N. Iowa St. Dodgeville, WI 53533
Iowa County Treasurer | Iowa Tax And Tags
Iowa County Treasurer Michelle Sims Took Office: July 01, 2010 Hello, I would like to welcome you to the Iowa Tax And Tags website. Our office provides that "one-stop shopping" for your taxes, motor vehicles, and drivers license issuance. Please don't hesitate to contact our office by phone or e-mail with any questions or comments you have!
Welcome to the Official Website of Iowa County, WI - Pay Taxes
You must pay your 1st installment to your LOCAL treasurer through January 31st of each year. This website is for payments to Iowa County only . (2nd Installments or delinquent taxes) Continue to online payment County Treasurer Connie Johnson [email protected] General Information Staff Directory Phone Numbers (608) 935-0397
Treasurer - Polk County Iowa
Hours may vary for different types of transactions. Please see contact information for the Vehicle and Property Tax divisions for more details on their hours. Vehicle 515-286-3030 Property Tax 515-286-3060 Fax 515-323-5202 [email protected] More Contacts Vehicle Use Dealer ACH Program Property Taxes Portfolio Service Customer
Treasurer’s Office - Worth County Government - Iowa
The Treasurer's Office is not located in the Courthouse. It is at 822 Central Ave., next to Bean and Bistro. Treasurer's Office 822 Central Ave. Northwood, IA 50459 Driving Directions Mailing Address PO Box 257 Northwood, IA 50459 Contact Information 641-324-2942 641-324-1404 (Fax) [email protected] Hours Treasurer's Office Monday - Friday
Treasurer - Shelby County, Iowa
Iowa law requires delinquent property tax to accrue interest at 1 1/2% per month per parcel. Interest applies on the first day of each month and is rounded to the nearest dollar. Payments can be paid in person, by mail, by using the drop box on the south side of the courthouse by the handicap entrance, or online at .
Treasurer's Office Clerk - Employment - Chickasaw County, Iowa
Chickasaw County is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or any other protected class. Disabled individuals are encouraged to apply and should contact the County Treasurer if reasonable accommodations are needed to apply.
Iowa County Treasurer's Semi-Annual
Treasurer's 12973853.01 Iowa County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Union County For 07/01/2021 - 06/30/2022 Beginning Treasurer's Total Revenues Beginning Balance + Total Expenses Change in Outstanding Outstanding Bank Items 0002 - GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL 209202.66 1423081.48 1632284.14 1450984.11 6590.78 187890.81 15279.07